Our geotechnical expertise underpins our work on projects from building design to infrastructure for water, energy, mining, rail, highways and aviation. To the full range of geotechnical needs, we bring interconnected skills in foundation and landfill engineering and environmental geotechnics.
Geotechnical tools and methodologies define, analyse, quantify and predict the behaviour of what lies beneath the surface. We assess what effects the ground will have on built structures – or what effects works could have on their surroundings and that makes it a necessity for use to be contacted before putting up a structure
Services we Provide under Roads & Airports category are as follows
Services we Provide under Buildings category are as follows
Services we Provide under bridges category are as follows
Services we Provide under Water Pilelines category are as follows.
Services we Provide under urban Infrastructure category are as follows.
Services we Provide under construction materials category are as follows.
Geotechnical investigations for landfill site selection and development in accordance with “Botswana Guidelines for Disposal of Waste by Landfill, 1997”.
Services we Provide under Urban Development Planing are as follows
We do provide Quality Controltesting at construction sites and Services we Provide under this category are as follows
We provide Laboratory test inhouse and tests that are carried out on our lab are as follows
We do provide field test and Services we Provide under this category are as follows
Services we Provide under this category working hand in hand mainly with DIABOR BOTSWANA (PTY) LTd are as follows
The firm is managed by the following experts:
We operates from our own premises located on plot no 4621 in Monarch Industrial area of Francistown. The property includes offices for professional staff and a laboratory warehouse. The staff compliment includes civil engineers, engineering geologists and laboratory technicians.
The company owns complete sets of laboratory equipment for testing of: